CO-FOUNDING Fashion Business Education, an international boutique conference for fashion professionals and brands looking to grow globally. Together with my Lithuanian business partner Arnoldas Remeika we launched with a mission to connect international fashion experts with ambitious local brands and entrepreneurs, helping fashion businesses from outside the main fashion capitals access know-how and global connections.

First, a professional education project was born in London in 2016 as a 3-day event for fashion entrepreneurs and designers looking to grow internationally and in the UK. Throughout the 3-day event, we welcomed budding fashion entrepreneurs from around the world, such as China, Lithuania, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Romania and Russia, who had an in-person opportunity to learn from the UK-based fashion industry experts.

Since then, we adapted the boutique conference format and launched the event in Vilnius, Lithuania, where local businesses, entrepreneurs and designers had an opportunity to engage in all-day learning experiences and masterclasses hosted by international, regional and local fashion stars - from Not Just a Label founder Stefan Siegel to Burberry digital revolution mastermind Craig Crawford

In Spring 2020, we had to cancel our seasonal seminars in Vilnius due to the changed reality and have transferred Fashion Business Education to an online format. Although our sensational networking events at the end of each season were irreplaceable in a new format, we could now create an opportunity for a wider fashion community to benefit from our international seminars online. We organised over 80 hours of live masterclasses, ten live events in Vilnius and London, taught by over two dozen of international fashion experts from global fashion capitals. Our speakers and lecturers have come from the world’s best brands and titles such as Burberry, Max Mara, Farfetch, Selfridges, Financial Times and many more.

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